Photofinity Studios has implemented the following Covid-Safe Plan to ensure the safety of our staff, clients and community in accordance with current restrictions and public health advice. More information can be found at the following


contact registers

& Physical distance

Use of the SAFEWA QR Code & Physical Contact Registers are mandatory at Photofinity. We are a Covid-Safe venue and require each visitor to the studio to scan in (or sign-in) using our SAFEWA QR Code or Physical Contact Register. The WA Government requires people aged 16 and over to be fully vaccinated (unless exempt) to enter certain venues, including Photofinity Studios.

We require that clients provide call sheets or a ledger of all crew and talent who will be on site. This includes their full name, contact number, times on site and witnessed vaccination certificate confirmation.

All bookings are required to have a Covid Safety Officer on site and their name and mobile number must be given to the studio prior to the shoot. Clients will also be required to provide their Covid Safety Plan prior to the shoot.

Please ensure you keep a 1.5m distance between each other at all times and observe the mandatory social distancing guidelines that are currently in place.


Masks are Mandatory at Photofinity. Current guidelines advise the mandatory wearing of a face mask or face covering at all times when at an indoor venue such as our studio.

All visitors to the studio must wear their mask with the exception of those who have an exemption (must show exemption on arrival). For talent receiving hair and make-up the mask may be removed for the period of time required to have this done. The hair and makeup stylist must have a mask on at all times. The talent may remove the mask during the shoot provided all other crew are socially distanced. The talent must put their mask back on during breaks and immediately before or after the shoot.


If you are unwell or have been to an exposure site you must stay home or reschedule the shoot. Vigilant hand and cough hygiene practices must be maintained at all times. There is adequate hand sanitiser available in the studio in all high-traffic areas and we encourage the use of regular hand sanitising and hand washing, particularly prior to eating or drinking.

Enhanced cleaning procedures for our studios and common areas include daily cleans (as well as before and after studio hire) on surfaces, door handles and furniture with disinfectant. Please ensure all props and equipment brought into the studio are disinfected and cleaned thoroughly prior to use in our studio.


In the event that anyone who was on location at the studio becomes sick with COVID19 or comes into contact with someone who has COVID19 or was at a listed exposure site, Photofinity Studios must be notified immediately so that it can inform the public health officials as well as its staff and deep clean its facility under direction from the public health officials.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming you into our safe studio space.